Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hero and Detail

Hero Shot:
This a shot of the entire section of the building that lies above the ground, it is a long shot to depict the scale of the building as well as highlighting the mechanical theme that's used to highlight the Auto Fabrica workshop space up at the top.

Detailed Shot:
This shot shows 2 (out of 4) of the sections on the underground floor, this floor acts as the workshop for the lamps/ lights by Bernabei Freeman. This shot includes the exhibition section (right side) as well as a lounge section (left side), as well as the stair that lies in the centre of the room. This shot highlights the difference in space across the 4 different sections, representing the different sizes and shapes that the lights are offered in.

3D Warehouse Model:

36 Textures

     Brittle, Organic, Rigid, Atomic
Bending, Cellular. Rough, Refraction
Jagged, Regenerative, Fluid, See-through

  Metallic, Conductor, Matt, Heal
Thermal, Spiky, Polygon, Insulator
Strong, Reflective, Transparent

Translucent, Ancient, Shiny, Delicate
Energy, Light, Solid, Flexible
Eco-friendly, Scavenge, Crystalline, Linear

18 sketches


Animation 1:

Animation 2:

Animation 3:

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Stair Desgin

The stair from ground floor to top floor has curved and increasingly tilted stairs. The design is to have  the stair made out of metal and let visitors wear magnetic shoes so they can walk on the surface without falling to gravity.
The stair from ground floor to the underground is a spiral staircase in the shape of a hexagon, to better fit the polygonal theme in the underground.

Sketches (Plans, Elevations, Sections)